Saturday, December 1, 2012

Krang's Body or flypaper?

here's poor old "krang's android body"......and i imagine that grimace on his face is his reaction to his flesh melting away.  i always wanted to repaint this guy since i got him in an ebay lot in 2001.  there are so many cool little hoses and wires that were not painted that would really bring out the mechanical evil once accented in their metallic glory.  the hands, though were a sticky and gooey mess of aged plastic.  the arms and legs were tacky, so i scrubbed him up and started painting him....

 in less than a week of finishing all but cleaning up the last bit of detail, and applying new decals....his head and limbs began to discolor a bit.  then, almost overnight, they all became gooey and yellowed out the flesh tone like he had jaundice.  you can see the difference in colors from the body (the new color that the entire body was painted in) and the limbs and head, which is pretty different.

it's pretty sad, because the figure was turning out to look pretty nice and would have made a cool addition....but as it stands now, it looks like he'll just be either locked away in a shoebox to slowly decompose.  or i might just bring myself to chuck him in the trash.