anyway, i've finally started to work on these custom action figure projects that i've been sitting on for a few years now. blow the dust off this blog and post some pics of some of the stupid shit i do for giggles.
"turtles fight with honor!"
when i was 14 i had a dark secret (no, not powerjeff) i fucking loved ninja turtles. it was that age when you're "supposed to be" too old to be playing with toys....whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. anyway, ninja turtles were fucking awesome! i saved my change to scoop up a new figure whenever i could. i had quite the collection.....until an incident with an ex-roommate's brother that used them all for a shooting gallery. a few years, a few garage sales, a few flea markets, and a few ebay auctions later, and i've reclaimed my TMNT collection of old along with a few new plastic friends.
muckman is one my most favorite ninja turtle figures. he is just fucking disgusting, and the details in the sculpting is fucking ridiculous! he was the first figure i attempted to repaint when i was 15. so, i figured i'd give this guy another go round under the brush. i'm almost finished painting him, and even though i can't seem to get my fucking camera to work properly, i'll post a work in progress pic:
so far, so good, i guess.
once i get this camera issue sorted out, i'll post some better pics of this guy; as well as the other crap i've been working on.